Our son's lego Mario creations We have about 500 of these things around our house |
With all three of my children's birthdays coming up, they wondered if wanting a gift was materialistic. Yikes! What a land mine of a question. In theory, wouldn't wanting or expecting a gift be materialistic? Our kids are accustomed to receiving a birthday present and I'm sure they expect one. I know they look forward to these gifts and are excited, but in no way do I believe our children are greedy gift crazed Gollums.
Materialism is a bad thing, on this we can agree.
I assured them they weren't materialistic. I love that they are concerned about it. They may expect a gift, but isn't that more our fault as parents. They are always appreciative and always say thank you or send their own notes. I can't tell you how many times I have been at a birthday party where the birthday
My children enjoy giving presents too. They all made each other handmade gifts for their birthdays this year, with no prompting from me. I have a bunch of little future Etsy sellers on my hands.
While I agree that birthdays and holidays can have a tendency to err on the side of extravagance, I like to think we make a effort not to over indulge. The reality is Madonna was right. We are living in a material world. It's too easy to go overboard with birthday presents and not even second guess it. These extreme birthdays lead to self-entitled children/teens/adults. People who have the 'I deserve it, because I'm me' mentality. I don't want that for my kids, not only because I feel I would have failed as a parent, but because a life of materialism is not a life fully enjoyed.
“Not that I condone fascism or any ‘ism’ for that matter. ‘Ism's’ in my opinion are not good. A person should not believe in an ‘ism’, he should believe in himself.”
-Ferris Bueller, Life Appreciator Extraordinaire
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